Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds “Ask A Master Gardener Booth” 2017


Posted by Judy | Posted in Community Projects

July 2017 “Ask A Master Gardener Booth” at Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds

To TUMGA members…..  Good morning. I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying these lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. With it being summer, that means it will soon be time for the GA Mountain Fair. Such will be taking place July 21-29.

Attached  is the sign-up sheet for the “Ask a Master Gardener” booth at the fair. This is one of our big MG projects, and it will take many folks to cover the booth for the 9 days of the fair. The shifts are 4 1/2 hours in length, and those who work will be given a pass to use for the entire length of the fair.

The sign-up sheet will be also be available at the TUMGA meeting on July 13.  To view the sign-up sheet, click here please: untainFair-AskaMasterGardenerBoothSign-upSheet-July2017  If you would like you may email me some dates that you might be available to work at the booth –Marsha E.


“Ask a Master Gardener”Booth – GA Mountain Fair Fall Festival

The GA Mountain Fair Fall Festival opened on Friday, October 7 and the “Ask a Master Gardener” booth adjacent to the Mountain Home opened as well. The booth is well stocked with a variety of printed information and very knowledgeable and enthusiastic TUMGA volunteers have signed up to “man” the booth for the eight days of the fair. All volunteer slots for “manning” the booth have been filled, and much appreciation is expressed to all who have volunteered to do such. Hopefully the merits of the Master Gardener program will be emphasized during fair week by these wonderful “gardening ambassadors”. Sheleila O’Neal and others have worked hard to make the grounds of the mountain home “look good”. Certainly these two projects are outstanding examples of the work that is done by TUMGA members.

July 2016 “Ask A Master Gardener Booth” at Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds

The Towns/Union Master Gardeners will operate an “Ask a Master Gardener” Booth during the GA Mountain Fair – July 15-23. The booth is located adjacent to the Pioneer House and will be manned/womaned during the eight days of the fair by TUMGA members. A variety of printed materials will be available, as well as knowledgeable and enthusiastic MG “gardening ambassadors” who will be on site to answer questions and offer gardening advice to the hundreds of visitors who come to the fair. Doing this booth provides one of the largest venues to “educate and enlighten” the public about the joys and benefits that come from gardening.
Shift times for the MG booth are 10:00 – 2:30 and 2:30 – 7:00. Hopefully the schedule for the booth is attached to this email. As you will note, there are still many “opportunities” to sign up to work one or more shifts during the fair. Please send Masha an email letting her know of times that you might be able to work and she will “pencil you in” on the schedule. Everyone who does work will get a pass/nametag that will be good for use throughout the fair. These will be available for pick-up at the TUMGA meeting on July 14. If for some reason, you will not be at that meeting, please let Marsha know and she will get the pass to you.
For More Information, Contact:  Dan Greenfield, President –

Master Gardeners chose the Pioneer House at the Ga. Mtn Fairgrounds in Hiawassee (Towns County) Ga. to create an example of perennials and annuals that would bloom in the Summer, during the Fair.  We added flower beds and an herb garden.  Large flower boxes were placed on the porch and filled with impatiens.  In 2012 we would like to expand the gardens to the rear of the cabin, and also plant a small vegetable garden to resemble one that would have been planted in pioneer days.


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